Tuesday, January 30

Let me introduce...

Already demanding photos - a little patience please I'm new at this.

May I introduce you to Holly - or the crevette, nicknamed such for her enormous size. Do not be deceived, this creature can get up on the table simply with the help of a chair three times higher than her. Simply jump, jam head in front of the backrest and wiggle at lot. There you are, a 'minus' on top of the world and with the pickings of everything the silly humans left on the table. She is in fact Belgian, not a plus in the eyes of the French but at least she's cute ( that helps her get away with lots, like peeing everywhere, even in the boyfriend's mother's immaculate kitchen).

And this is La grosse! Or Bella, as you wish, who left us a decapitated shrew between our pillows this morning. A touching gift. As the angel pointed out, she gave all that she can give. Which makes it even more touching really.

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