Monday, January 29

Here goes nothing

Let's see if I can get this to work. Not being a blog officionado (I didn't know what they were until last Friday) this is an experiment, be it wise or otherwise. Since Friday the ideas have been formulating themselves into real if not slightly intrepid motivation.

Don't expect juicy tales of Gallic adventures experienced by mouse. She just wants to talk to the guys back home, post the odd picture of the dog or progress report of the decorating. Perhaps even racont des conneries of my students. Don't worry, there won't be too much French, I avoid writing it at all costs and there are sure to be spelling mistakes in the English too. I find that happens more and more. I used to be quite an articulate kind of girl, now I find myself wondering about the word umbrella in front of the blackboard, my back to a bunch of giggling teenagers.

So, here I am. Dear family, let me know what you think, but be nice. And perhaps someone will explain what a blog is to Granny, too daunting a task for me!


Unknown said...

Its me Kateo, your little aussie friend.
Blog? new to me too, its so..where are the photo's?!

Mouse said...

hey oh! steaady on, got to work out how to do it first! turning into an aussie huh? careful now...