Monday, March 19

It rained on Sunday

... so we had a cupcake competition. As one does. Please submit your votes as to the most apealing cupcake, judging the following:

cuisson / cooking

decoration / decoration

quantité / quantity (I put that in because someone 'tested' their mixture so much that they had three cakes less at the end)

We take your votes very seriously and every vote counts. Otherwise the Angel's sister will just keep voting for him and I'll lose! To diferentiate, just put with or without hearts on top.

Move over Lawrence!

I am feeling particularly smug at the moment as I have a wonderful new office, 'what I did!' I shan't waste space telling you about the three lawyers of wallpaper I had to scrape off to get through to the mouldy old walls of my bureau. Nor shall I wax lyrical about the 'lovely' handpainted frieze I found on the bottom lawyer. I shall let you see for yourselves. There's before after and of course the 'helpful' Holly lending a hand.

Monday, March 12

I found some cartoons


Yes, with my usual amount of finesse and feminine delicacy I have managed to do myself harm. During my holidays (of course, because these things never happen when you time is not your own), the door- bell rang. I jumped to my feet and ran to the door - not noticing the little puddle left by our adorable four-legged friend. To say that I slipped would be an understatement, I flew to the floor. Crushing, on the nice hard tiling, my right knee, right hip, right elbow, right shoulder and right cheek. J'ai tombée dans les pommes - literal translation, I fell in the apples, expression meaning- I fainted. Luckily for me, the person ringing at the door was in fact the Angel, who had just rung the bell to get the dog excited - what a lark. So, after opening the door and seeing my spectacular flight and the ensuing kersplat/boom, he picked me up and put me on the sofa. He then got me some ice for my cheak, as, in his words - he wasn't going to have people thinking he was a wife-beater.

So there you go. The moral of the story could be don't have a dog, or tiling or boyfriend who plays with the door-bell. The choice is yours.

New installment coming soon as I have done a changing rooms on my office and I am so proud of it that I shall be posting heaps of pics.

Saturday, March 3

Rain rain rain

It's a load of b%§?µ* that the weather is better in france. I need a boat to get to work at the moment. I am going on strike. And I have a cough, my special Ardennaise cough which rattles the lungs. My little ray of sunshine - I'm on holiday. It's only little the ray because I have to do my other job which means I still have to get dressed each day.