For once I must have done something right: the sun shone, the traffic was moving and all was as we wanted it to be. It probably isn't the same when you live there but 'going' to Paris for le St Valentine is pretty cool. Despite the days of endless rain before-hand the day
was surprisingly warm and sunny. So we wandered around St Michel and dosed up on Starbucks. We visited the ducks in the Luxembourg gardens and checked-out the animaleries along the Sienne, where we found a little sister for Holly. We didn't actually take her home owing to the fact that she cost €1,200. A mere snip! The Orsay museum was conveniently holding a reduced price night so we both got in as youngsters - oh ok, so I was the only one who needed a reduction. It was almost a shame
to have to get back in the car and go home again - except of course for the sausage waiting for us who hadn't see a human bean all day.
I managed to take a whopping 100 photos, all in the space of a day. However I didn't have my camera whilst we were eating which was a shame. We went to Paris's oldest Japanese restaurant where they prepare the sushi and sushami in front of you. Pretty cool, huh? So we ate a mamoth plate of raw fish but were both decided afterwards that we felt like we hadn't eaten a thing. Perhaps good for the diet by doesn't work on the brain! Which is why we were 'obliged' to go to Starbucks and pick up some carrot cake and giants coffees for our duck visiting.
So there we go, another Valentines has past and not been forgotten. Perhaps one shouldn't make a fuss but then at the same time I feel I should make the most of it whilst it's just us. Hope yours was a good too.